(Updated 3.19.20) While we are closed due to the coronavirus, we urge our students to look into the following possibilities for help and support:
- ABQ Mutual Aid is a coalition of local organizations and individuals working to protect our at-risk community members during the COVID-19 outbreak in New Mexico.
- FoodPantries.org not only provide listings of pantries, but information on: food closets, food banks, soup kitchens, congregate meal locations, food boxes, vouchers, etc.
- Online AA Meetings during COVID-19
- AA online: Albuquerque AA website's home page has links to online meetings, and local phone numbers (also in Spanish).
- Grab & Go Meals provided to students during three-week school closure. In response to the community coronavirus threat, and in an effort to minimize social interactions to prevent the spread of the illness, Grab & Go breakfast and lunch meals will be available to all school-age students under the age of 18 as of Monday, March 16, 2020.
- Presbyterian has expanded Free Meal Program for Kids
- The New Mexico Crisis and Access Line (NMCAL) has established business continuity plans to ensure that services continue to operate as normal. Counselors are available to hear you 24/7 at 855-662-7474.
- For anyone who is able or interested, Vitalant (formerly United Blood Services) is facing a shortage of available blood and blood products due to coronavirus. You can call 877-827-4376 to make an appointment.
- United Way has a COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund and can help with bills, rent and food. Call them at 866-211-9966 and provide a zip code. You will be given a list of local agencies to provide assistance.
- Roadrunner Food Bank - Food assistance line or online food assistance tool to receive help from Roadrunner Food Bank and their network of member partners across New Mexico.
- Online Recovery and Covid-19 Resources
- NA Online/Phone Meetings
- COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) INFORMATION AND RESOURCES from NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness
- Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
- Guided Meditation
- Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
- Taking Care of Your Emotional Health
- Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak
- Reading Plus at home
- “NM.Gov site “I Need Assistance” - Information for individuals experiencing financial hardship - for example, job loss, mortgage payments, healthcare need, can’t pay taxes, need for food, can’t pay utilities, and much more.
- AA Sunrise Catchers Group will be meeting 6:15 am M-F and 8 am on weekends on Zoom (download app for PC or phones). Meeting ID is 878 229 628